Fine Art Landscape Photography

A Fusion of Photography and Painting

Combining the beauty of photography with the artistry of painting, David Osborn's Fine Art Landscape Photography captures the essence of European landscapes in stunning detail and clarity. With a passion for both photography and old master painters, Osborn's unique approach creates large-scale images that are not only visually striking but also evoke a sense of timeless beauty.

Osborn's process begins with the use of a panoramic head and multiple photographs, up to 120, which are then stitched together using PTGui software. This technique allows for a wide yet natural-looking field of view, similar to the human eye, and corrects any perspective distortions. The resulting images showcase the grandeur of the landscapes with remarkable clarity and precision.

However, it is in the post-production stage where Osborn's artistic vision truly comes to life. Using Adobe Photoshop, he applies meticulous retouching techniques to create a painterly quality in the photographs. The final images possess the detail and clarity of a photograph while exuding the mood and atmosphere of an old master painting.

These fine art landscape photographs are not mere snapshots of beautiful locations; they are meticulously crafted projects that can take up to five days to complete. Osborn's dedication to capturing the perfect light and weather conditions is evident in the breathtaking results. Each image tells a story, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of the European landscapes.

Osborn's ongoing project began in 2018 and continues to explore new locations and subjects. His goal is to create images that transcend time, offering a sense of peace and timelessness. The photographs, printed at a large scale of 60 x 90 inches or larger, evoke the grandeur of old master paintings, blurring the line between photography and fine art.

Recognized for his exceptional work, David Osborn's Fine Art Landscape Photography was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2020. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that showcase creativity, technical skill, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

With his unique fusion of photography and painting, David Osborn invites viewers to experience the beauty of European landscapes in a new and captivating way. His fine art landscape photography is not just a visual feast but a testament to the power of art to transcend time and evoke emotions.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: David Osborn
Image Credits: Ghent, Belgium: Photography & Retouching David Osborn, 2019 Dresden, Germany: Photography & Retouching David Osborn, 2019 Venice, Italy: Photography & Retouching David Osborn, 2019 Prague, Czechia: Photography & Retouching David Osborn, 2019 Pisa, Italy: Photography & Retouching David Osborn, 2019
Project Team Members: David Osborn Photographer and Photoshop retouching
Project Name: Fine Art Photography
Project Client: David Osborn

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